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Empowering individuals in all areas of their life.

The quality of our lives is based partly upon the quality of the questions we ask ourselves daily. If you are not inspired about your life or if you are not living the life you truly dream of, it may depend on the type of questions you are asking yourself.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

The Benefits of Online Therapy

The ability to improve your mental health is at your fingertips. The device that you are reading this on right now can be a part of your therapy experience. Online therapy happens with ease as you only need your device and a quiet space. A benefit to doing therapy in your own home is that you know which rooms have distractions so you can pick one that is quiet and comfortable. This allows you to be in a peaceful and homey space as opposed to in-person therapy where you could be in a room where you are with unfamiliar items and things that might distract you from the conversation at hand. Another great part of online therapy is that you can choose to have a pet around you to make you feel safe and supported. Having a pet nearby is a great option so long as they aren't a distraction and take away from your therapy experience.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

The Mind-Body Connection

What makes us who we are? Is it our minds and knowledge? Or is it our physical bodies and the way we look? This is a pretty basic question because I think we can all agree that the correct answer isn't either one. After all, they are so closely related to one another. There are two sides to the connection. An example of the body-to-mind connection is that certain foods we choose to put into our bodies can impact our mental state in vastly different ways. Whether we eat junk food that makes our stomach feel sick which then causes our mind to hurt from the physical pain, or if our mind is just disappointed in ourselves for eating that junk food, the result is the same.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

The common threads in our humanness

Each person is different in some way. You will never encounter two people who are exactly alike. On the outside we all have differences and the way we act proves this. But if this is the case, then what actually brings us together as humans? We are genetically very similar but the connection goes much deeper than that. The common threads in our humanness are found in the specific underlying events and mannerisms we have and experience.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

The Fears of Stepping into Therapy  

Having someone to talk to and express your emotions to in a safe space has proven to assist with some of these issues. That being said, some people may have more specific problems weighing on them and they may be hesitant to step into therapy because they are afraid that they are “unfixable.”

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

The Importance of Self Compassion

Have you ever failed at something important to you? How did you feel about yourself after? Most individuals will direct the blame inward and be hard on themselves. This act negatively impacts our self-esteem and can make us feel inadequate. As humans, we often blame someone or something for the problems that occur in our lives. An alternate strategy to blaming ourselves is to take these feelings of frustration and overcome them through the technique of self-compassion.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

What do I do with all of these feelings? 

Emotions, what are they?

What are we supposed to do with them?

Which ones are good or bad?

Without our emotions, we can’t make decisions; we can’t decipher our dreams and visions; we can’t set proper boundaries or behave skillfully in relationships; we can’t identify our hopes or support the hopes of others, and we can’t connect to, or even find, our dearest loves.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

My heartfelt thanks to you

Dear amazing human,

First of all, let me thank you for taking the time to read this little heartfelt note. As I approach my 4th year in private practice, I felt compelled to share from the depth of my heart.

The experience of being a human is certainly a wild one at times, it’s messy, it’s a bit of a roller coaster and sometimes you come up for air only to be pulled back down under just as quickly. As your therapist, I am not immune to the wild ride, I experience all of these emotions and sensations on a daily basis. There is often the perception that therapists have it all together, and they must have such great relationships. I can attest that it takes work to create those healthy boundaries and I am forever dedicated to the continued growth life has to offer us.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

If I only accept the “bad” parts of me, I undeniably reject the good parts.

Several years ago, when I first entered the world of therapy, I thought to myself I will be here for a session or two maybe. I mean how much can one deny about oneself, I thought I knew myself pretty well. Anyways, come to find out that I didn’t know myself all that well. I had several protective mechanisms that prevented me from being my authentic self as well as fully confidently standing in my values.

As I meandered through relationship building with my therapist, it felt dark and lonely at times. I felt great when I was in session but the moment I left, I felt lost and like I was navigating a new version of myself that I wasn’t sure I was ready for, or quite frankly that I liked…

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

What I learned about trust in working with children.

I’ve worked with children for almost 20 years now, anywhere between the ages of 2 to 17 years old.

Let me tell you, children are complex beings and sometimes it’s challenging to understand the why behind their behaviours.

As a child myself, sometimes I felt invisible and unheard. That feeling is not one that sits well in my body. I hold no fault for my parents because they were genuinely doing the best they could with the skills they had, but let me say that perception is a bit…. let's just say misleading or inaccurate at the best of times.

As children are growing, they are developing their sense of self, which requires safety and trust to build.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

Crisp weather & a crisp book = blissful.

Have you ever been stumped on which book to read next? Or been so excited about all the books, you have two or three on the go? Well, welcome to my world of book obsession. Here are my suggestions for Fall reading!

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

Anxious kids? Hypnotherapy can help them.

School is right around the corner and children, like adults, are feeling anxious for various reasons.

You might be asking yourself how can I help my child? How can I set them up for a successful school year?

Because children are more attuned to the realm of fantasy and imagination than most adults, hypnosis serves as a natural bridge between their imaginations and the real-life stressors that contribute to anxiety, depression, physical symptoms, and sleep difficulties. (Lynn Lyons, Using Hypnosis with Children).

Hypnosis is not about controlling the child’s actions, but rather guiding the child toward a better sense of self-control. Teaching a child the skill of shifting her focus, changing the way the body feels, or reacting differently to a thought or situation is what hypnosis is all about.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

How does Hypnotherapy work?

Hypnosis is simply a state of focused attention and is used as a natural way to create a deep relaxation. When we are deeply relaxed our subconscious mind is more willing to take on board our goals and intentions.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

Online vs In office? Which is best for me?

Typically the younger generation is keen to take up online counselling but the older generation is hesitant at times. With that being said, I have a wide range of clientele that opts for online counselling.
In a fast-paced technological world, I am often asked about online counselling. Initially I steered away from it because I really thrive on face to face human connection, as most of us do.
But then all of a sudden I was left without any option and had to do online counselling.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

What if it’s your thoughts you are scared of and not Covid-19?

As uncertainty continues during this unique time, we are often left with some overwhelming thoughts and feelings.

As clients come through my practice in the last few weeks, they are often coming for challenges that have been pushed aside for months and sometimes even years.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

Is it possible that stress is a positive thing?

Kelly Mcgonigal talks about the different stress responses such as, palpitating heart, sweaty palms among other reactions as an energy to help you cope with the upcoming situation. What if you could shift your perception of stress to help you in stressful times?

Many neuroscientists have been studying this exact theory. They have discovered what happens to the various chemicals in your brain when you are under perceived threat.

Stress increases the levels of oxytocin which activates our prosocial tendencies.

Under stress it increases and activates these three parts of your brain, here’s a quick breakdown.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

Can caring during stressful times create resilience?

Typically during times of stress men often disappear into their offices or quiet spaces very contrary to women who tend to react by baking cookies for someone or caring for others.

Often research shows that stress leads to aggression and hiding out during times of stress but this wasn’t the research that Laura Cousino Klein was gathering.

She quickly noticed that almost 90% of stress research was done on males. Equally true of animals and humans.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

Stress Itself Isn’t The Killer, It’s Your Mindset Around It That Affects You

We have been conditioned to think that stress is killing us and I am here to tell you that it is often a matter of your stress mindset that affects you more than the stress itself. In this 3 part series on stress mindset, I dive into how you can shift your mindset, create awareness and some tips on how to create ease in your life.

The first step is to notice how your current mindset shows up in your life. Usually we don’t see the effect of a mindset because we are too identified with the beliefs behind it. The mindset doesn’t feel like a choice that we make, it feels like an accurate assessment of how the world works.

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Kimberly Castle Kimberly Castle

What does Self-Compassion have to do with Trauma?

I am a firm believer that anxiety, depression, addiction and substance abuse comes partly from traumatic experiences. (If you haven’t seen or heard Dr.Gabor Maté, check him out).

Most of us treat ourselves rather poorly when bad things happen to us. Most of us would state that they wouldn’t treat others the way we treat ourselves.

Sometimes when very bad things happen to us, we go even further and attack ourselves from all angles. I am bad because of this and this happened because I am bad.

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